Thursday, November 19, 2015

Almost Won!

So I literally just reached 50k for NaNoWriMo! The official winning does not start until tomorrow. My word count bar used to be blue, but it turned a satisfying green as soon as I entered my total. And tomorrow, I think, it will be an even more satisfying purple! 

My daily average has been 2631 words per day. (My best day was when I managed to write about 9k in my novel in one day, thanks to a writing event at the library! That is my personal record.)

My story is not yet over. In fact, it could go on for twice as long, probably. There are eleven days more. I could write 30k at my average pace. Before, though, I had wanted to write that extra 30k in The Breakers. I only managed to add 2500 this month, though. I had gotten more interested  in my NaNovel than I guessed when I made that goal. I think I will continue on this novel until the end of the month, and then return to The Breakers and all my other novels.

This has been a great nineteen days of writing! 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 update

NaNo has been a lot easier so far than I thought. I am way ahead, even though I was unable to write for a few days due to the loss of my charging cable. Other than that, it has been a pretty good first week.

I'm getting really into the plot by now, and have a lot of new ideas all the time.

So I guess this NaNo is a great success!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

NaNoWriMo Day 1

So, I'm going to try to do a brief update every day (or so.) Probably won't work out to be every day, though. There's a lot going on!

My goal is 80k this year. 50k in one novel, 30k added to one of my current novels.

We shall see! I am excited to begin!